
Holiday Survival Guide
Alex Mogannam
December 1, 2020

Holiday Survival Guide

Every year I post a holiday survival guide for clients. I usually include tips on how to find balance between parties, how to get tipsy without overdoing the sugar, and how to reduce the usual stress brought on by the holidays.  This year is obviously a bit different. With time off and away from loved ones, it’s easy to be reminded of what we’re missing. Below you’ll find some tips that will help you create some sort of balance between the mental, physical, and emotional.

Feeling unmotivated around exercise?

Make a goal for movement, not weight loss. Find movement daily and do activities that bring you joy. Move in environments that inspire you. Hike in nature. Take bootcamp at the Ferry Building. Walk through your favorite neighborhood and look at holiday decorations or grab your favorite treat. Fresh air and a bit of movement can turn your entire mood around.

Feeling anxious about holiday meals?

First, read Laura’s November Piece (link Laura's piece)

Second, practice intuitive eating. Avoid foods that hurt your tummy and make recipes that make you feel good.

Create a happy holiday space

Deep clean an area of your house that has been on your to-do list. If we learned anything from Marie Kondo, it's that a clutter free home is happy home and a happy home means happy you. At the same time, Don't pressure yourself to be over productive. If you think you’ll feel more drained after a task, maybe it’s better to leave it for a day when you have more energy.

Missing the holiday fun?

Meet your friends for a masked, distanced White Elephant gift exchange.

Take a virtual cooking class with your family. 18 Reasons has great options.

Decorate your house! The little things will make all the difference this year. Turn on your favorite holiday movies and songs.

Missing the holiday party circuit? Here's our favorite playlist to help you recreate last year's BB holiday party. (Jingle Juice not included.)

Feeling low?

Allow yourself to feel sad but set a limit. There’s a difference between processing and obsessing. If you start to dwell, try deep breathing and meditation.

One of the easiest forms of meditation is the practice of visualization. Visualize a moment or place that makes you happy. Imagine the scenery, smells, and interactions with people and nature.

Need guidance? Try a virtual class at Within Meditation.

I understand that many of you are already feeling low. Although your loved ones cannot be replaced, join us for a workout either in person or on Zoom. A bit of endorphins and social interaction go a long way.

Please let us know if you are alone for the holidays so we can make sure to check in on you. It’s the BB way. <3

Be well,

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